PO Box 78, Mole Creek TAS 7304, Australia

Our Parents

Henk Beerepoot

Here you will find articles written by our father – the late Henk Beerepoot.

Henk was our Dad, and husband to our mother Lida.



In 2013, at the age of 66, Dad complete the path that our Heavenly Father had set him on and he was called home.



Dad wrote a number of articles covering a range of topics – however the sovereignty of YHWH (God) and interpreting Hebrew words through their pictographic meanings are central themes to many of his works.



He played a foundational part in setting the direction of our faith journey. To honour him we would like to make play available on our site for the articles he has written.



Lida Beerepoot

Whilst our mother, Lida, doesn’t write any articles for Caleb’s Journal she does contribute in a very real way.


Many of the articles and video posts have only been able to take their current shape and form after many hours of conversation and cups of coffee.


Without our mother’s insight and her ability to facilitate our communication Caleb’s Journal would not exist today.



Articles in english
Articles in dutch